Your Garden does not need additional water!

Surprising as it may seem you can manage your Garden very efficiently with the existing quantity of water usage. Garden by no means is demanding, especially when it comes to water! So whether you’re facing a water crunch or you believe in water conservation, these tricks will definitely help you save water.

#1 Always Mulch the Soil: Mulching helps to prevent water evaporation from the soil thereby requiring less water. To know more about Mulching click here.


#2 Use Fresh Cow-dung:Β Cow dung is excellent to prevent water evaporation and keep the soil well hydrated. Mix 1kg of cow-dung in 5 liters of water and use it to water the plants. This acts as excellent compost, mulch and water retention technique. You can also try making amrutjal. Click here to know more about amrutjal. (Disclaimer : Please do not use fresh cow dung in monsoon/rainy season. The moisture in the soil combined with humidity in the atmosphere will lead to fungal growth.)

#3 Water from Mopping the Floor: It is a great idea to Mop the floor with plain water (without any chemical floor cleaners) and then use it for watering the plants.


#4 Water from washing clothes: You may not be aware but there are many 100% eco-friendly detergents available in the market. So you can use the water that drains out after washing/rinsing the clothes and use it for watering the plants. In fact its a great idea to connect your washing Machine’s drainage pipe to another smaller pipe that leads directly to your garden or pots.

washing clothes

#5 Water from Washing Your Fruits & Vegetables: It is a great idea to wash your fruits, vegetables and other food items like cereals and pulses in a container and use the same for watering the plants.


These are my top 5 water saving techniques. Please add your ideas in the comment section below!

Happy Gardening πŸ™‚




Published by Reema

Entrepreneur | Author of 2 Ebooks | Gardener

47 thoughts on “Your Garden does not need additional water!

      1. I don’t water any of the native plants once they are established. This normally takes about 6 months. I live in Florida so there is a lot to choose from varying from wildflowers to native azaleas, palmettos, wiregrass, magnolias, and much more.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You Radhika! πŸ™‚ I know it is not a very well-timed article but since I was addressing all the gardening concerns I thought its best to share these tips as well. πŸ™‚ Would probably re-post it in March/April!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  1. Hey Rima, I practice all this method, u know why. There is shortage water in Delhi. I have almost 150+ pots and few big fruit trees in backyard. I dig 3-4′ deep in the garden and throw stale puja flowers and kitchen waste to make organic manure.
    Your information is really helpful for people not knowing these method.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great ideas, I love it. I didn’t know that Eco detergents could be used anywhere. I thought that they were Eco and nothing else. πŸ˜ƒ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s Indeed a great Idea!! You can start with a small Herb garden and then go on expanding it further with veggies and flowers! Herbs are the best ones to start with.. And seasoning all your dishes with freshly plucked herbs gives a divine feel!! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanx for your awesome thought of using mop water for plants. I recently started using only water to mop with and now… I can apply it to the drought outside.
    Why didn’t I think of that?
    And grandma use to do dishes in a small tub in the sink…then toss the water outside when done. She was doing the same thing!

    Liked by 1 person

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