Which Veges to grow?

I am often asked, what are the best vegetables to grow at home/balcony/terrace? Well, all!!

So how do you go about deciding which vegetables do you want to grow?

Firstly, always factor in your interest and preference!

Secondly, the season. There are many veges that grow throughout the year but there are also equal number of them who prefer a particular season!

Thirdly, consider the available space in your balcony/terrace.

Now comes the biggest challenge – You’ve a list of 10-15 veges which grow well in a particular season, you’ve enough space for them and you like them as well. So now how do you choose?

CucumbersAlways remember, if it is your first time, things may not workout exactly the way you want them to. So always go the conservative way. Imagine you can harvest a very little quantity everyday. So what would you do with it? I’ll illustrate.

  • What if you harvest just one cucumber? Nothing wrong with it as you can eat it right away or you can use it in a salad with few other veges.


  • Now, what if you harvest only 5-6 okra in a day and next ones would be ready for harvest only after a week. What would you do? All my south Indian readers are going – we will use in Sambar or in morkutaan!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› Well so if you can use a very little quantity of okra efficiently, go for it or else just reject it!


  • Similarly with beans – What if you harvested just 5-6 pods of french beans? You can probably use it in fried rice/vegetable pulav/Biryani.

french beans

  • But what if you harvest just 5-6 pods of broad beans or cluster beans? How would you use them? Well I don’t have an idea so I would reject such veges. But if you know how to use them, go for it!!


Now, before you decide to plant any particular vegetable, ask yourself, What would you do with an small harvest? Save yourself the pain of growing the veges and then not able to use them properly!! πŸ™‚

Happy Gardening πŸ™‚

Published by Reema

Entrepreneur | Author of 2 Ebooks | Gardener

26 thoughts on “Which Veges to grow?

  1. You are right. We get some veggies on a regular basis… like okra, spinach, curry leaves (we dont buy;), tomatoes, green chillies (self sufficient), drumsticks….like you rightly said , something is better than nothing. My experience is that, you need patience, sustained rgular effort(just regular watering itself will give results) and will to try different things:))
    You covered it nicely. Good πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I want to ask that can we grow the vegetables in pots?
    We had planted tomato seeds in my balcony pots. But later on, we had shifted the plant in our lawn, as its roots had grown too long.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Prenika! Vegetables can definitely be grown in pots/container. All my posts on terrace/Balcony farming are about growing them in containers only, You can check out this link

      Coming to tomatoes, Yes tomatoes develop roots on the stems which makes it difficult. So you need to plan it well. I have an entire post dedicated to how to grow tomatoes.

      I am sure enjoy reading them!! πŸ™‚

      Thank You for stopping by πŸ™‚


  3. Lovely post!
    I have quite a few problems with my veggies this year. I think due to so much rain and humidity during July here in England. I have mildew in my pumpkins and blight in my tomatoes…😳😱 frustrating! I garden organically. Do you think this is because I have planted them all too close together? Do you have any tips?
    Thank you!
    Sophie x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sophie! Sorry for the delay in response!
      I don’t think this because of planting them together or close by. I think it is because of the rains. Pumpkins love nice bright sun! As you say the humidity must have caused this. πŸ™‚ These Veggies generally don’t fare very well in rains.
      One option is adding organic compost but even compost can’t help much when confronted with a climate change.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Yes right Reema very good idea to grow veggies at home . Because of extreme summer almost all plants diedπŸ˜“πŸ˜“..so waiting for winter to plant tomatoes,mint, coriander, & fenugreek again this year. I feel homegrown veggies taste better & healthier too.

    Liked by 1 person

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