9 medicinal pot herbs for your home garden

Every once in a while, we come across certain recipes of traditional drinks or some kind of food which our nanis and dadis used to make, something that always comforted us. Not only this, they always had some fresh or dried ingredients in their kitchens which is so hard to find now a days. AndContinue reading “9 medicinal pot herbs for your home garden”

Let’s Have Some Fun.. Let’s start Farming :)

DIY Project 1: Growing Coriander/Parsley/Celery If you have never grown anything at home… Coriander is the best to start with! The advantage of coriander is that they germinate easily and quickly and are ready in 20-30 days. Quick results and low (rather no) maintenance make it the best one to start with!! So let’s startContinue reading “Let’s Have Some Fun.. Let’s start Farming :)”