Flower Garden – Part XVII – The Nocturnal flowers

Today, we are going to discuss about two plants, which have very fragrant flowers and bloom only during night. The first one, Cestrum nocturnum, common names include night-blooming jasmine, night-blooming cestrum, and raatrani. The second one, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, the night-flowering jasmine or parijat. The above image of Parijat flower does not belong to reemasgarden.com So,Continue reading “Flower Garden – Part XVII – The Nocturnal flowers”


I know its not the right season to sow potatoes but this post aims to make you ready well before the season arrives! 🙂 Growing potatoes is pretty different from growing an eggplant or a tomato! So here’s how we do it! Step 1: Select the potatoes with shoots! Step 2: You can use theContinue reading “Potatoes!”

Easiest Plant To Plant… The Eggplant!

Hello Friends, Bloggers, Writers, Photographers, Gardeners and Farmers..!! Missed you all so much!! Can’t believe it’s been more than 6 months since I last posted an article. By the way, my last article was on tomato; did you try it? If you ever thought that tomato was a bit cumbersome task with planting and replanting;Continue reading “Easiest Plant To Plant… The Eggplant!”