Discover the Magic of Seeds: Types, Uses and Propagation Techniques

There is a thumb rule for sowing of seeds – seeds should be sown at a depth twice of their length. This way you won’t suffocate the seeds. Sprinkle some water and be cautious not to flood the areas it can rot the seeds.

7 Secrets to Growing Herbs in Pots like a Pro

Herbs are a great addition to any home garden but did you know that they can be grown in pots too? In this post, we are sharing 7 things you should know to grow herbs in pots successfully. Get ready to elevate your cooking game and enjoy fresh herbs right from your windowsill.

A small guide to using grow lights in your Garden – Part 2

The first thing that comes to our mind is where to place them, at what angle, and what should be the distance etc. So here are all the answers to all your questions.

Beneficial insects for your Garden

Not all insects are harmful, in fact only 1/10th of the total insects can harm your garden. The rest are either beneficial or harmless. The beneficial ones can be classified into three categories…

Ideal pH for plants and how to measure soil pH at home!

If we talk about the ideal pH for plants then it would be a little difficult to generalize as different plants have different requirements. But most of the plants growing in our backyards and in our houses are more or less of the same nature. Their nutritional requirements, water requirements and pH level requirements areContinue reading “Ideal pH for plants and how to measure soil pH at home!”


Our world is full of fascinating creatures and for me nothing is more astonishing than plants. But not all of us have the luxury of space to create gardens or mini ecosystems in our houses. Well, I have the perfect solution to this problem – TERRARIUMS! Terrariums are small glass chambers in which we canContinue reading “Terrariums”

Let’s learn about the wizards of plant kingdom – The AIR Plants!

The world is filled with absolutely stunning things around us. One of the latest obsession I have is with air plants. Their whole mechanism of life, growth and survival is nothing less than a marvel. We wrapped our heads around hydroponics where plants grow without soil but now we have air plants which do not even require water to grow. These plants grow in the air without any soil or water. Now isn’t that fascinating?

We are launching Newsletter

Hello my dear readers, followers and fellow bloggers! I am very excited to share that we are coming up with e-newsletter starting 3rd June 2021. After creating two gardening courses, writing two ebooks and several blog posts, this newsletter is something totally different and I love it! I am sure you’ll love it too!! Here’sContinue reading “We are launching Newsletter”