We got Featured! Yayy!!

Super excited to share with you that we got featured on..

Reema’s Garden – A New Beginning

Here’s the thing… We had just 2 participants! I remember very clearly and distinctly how scared I was about having just 2 participants. If you would have seen my previous posts of my workshops.. I had got used to having at least 15-20 participants… But then this is what fresh start looks like…. All sorts of thoughts like “what will they think?” …. “Will they be comfortable?”…. “What if they don’t like the workshop because there weren’t many people?”… and on and on went the thoughts…

Celebrations Continued!

Seems celebrations are going to continue for a while! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ My Blog, Reema’s Garden, has completed 2 Years!   What may seem to be very little time… appears like an eternity in blogging. A very big thank you to all my Readers!! Above all….. My Blogger Family…. Ben… Radhika… Diana… Kitty… Mei… Kurian… Sue….Sifar…Continue reading “Celebrations Continued!”


I am very happy to share with you all that Reema’s Garden has featured in the list of Top 10 Indian Gardening Blogs!


This is a humbling experience. I was really awaiting this! There have been times when I have affirmed to myself that “This is just a number..!!” But so is age, weight, height, salary, and time..!!And in the end, it does matter! Celebrating a small success. Thank you for being with me! Thank for your love,Continue reading “500!!”