
Gosh! That’s a start! Never had a post named Gardening! Gardening for me is more than just getting a plant and keeping it in my garden, whether it is a balcony garden, terrace garden, indoor garden kitchen garden or any other type of garden. Of course, one cannot have a garden without any plants. So,Continue reading “Gardening”

Krishna-Kamal Passion Flower

One of the prettiest flowers  to dot your garden, passion flowers are actually a type of vine flowers. These flowers are ideal for growing along your garden’s fences or trellis. For flower lovers, it is delightful to see Passion flowers in all their vibrant hues of purple, bright pink, red, yellow and green. What makesContinue reading “Krishna-Kamal Passion Flower”

Flower Garden – Part XV – Petunia

Petunias have multiple blooms at a time; gives your garden the grandeur you have been searching for.

How to pot your plant?

If you’re wondering why do YOU need to pot the plant when the Maali (Gardener) can do it for you, click here. So here’s how I pot my plant. Disclaimer: There is no right or wrong way to do it. I am expounding a few methods which have worked extremely well for me. Scenario #1:Continue reading “How to pot your plant?”

Inexpensive Gardening – Part 3 – Compost

Over a period of time I have spoken a lot about organic composting and even experimented a lot with them. Here’s a quick recap to all the Composting Ideas! Cow Dung & Cow Urine always stand at number one position when it comes to compost. To read more about application of manure click here. DryContinue reading “Inexpensive Gardening – Part 3 – Compost”

Do you find Gardening Expensive?

Lets talk Money! Do you find Gardening expensive? Many people assume that Gardening is very expensive as it involves expenditure on Pots or Containers Gardening Tools Compost/Fertilizers/Manures/Pesticide/Insecticide Seeds Miscellaneous items like Garden decoration and lighting, etc Click on any of the above points to know the various methods of making Gardening Economical rather almost free..!!Continue reading “Do you find Gardening Expensive?”


None of the discussions on gardening/ farming/ organic produce/ manure/ composting is ever complete without talking about COWS!! Cow dung and urine are considered one of the most elite sources of compost. Cow dung is rich of minerals and bacteria cultures which turns the soil very fertile. However there are many ways in which weContinue reading “MOO!!”


Mulching is nothing but covering the soil around the plants with dried leaves/grass or coco peat. Such a covering stops water from getting evaporated and helps to retain moisture in the soil. Mulching is very beneficial in the winter and summer season. After sometime the leaves start decaying and get converted into compost. This improvesContinue reading “MULCHING”


We have always heard and believed that Nitrogen is the most important nutrient! But it is not so. Read on to know more…