Gardening & Décor

Gardening brings home life, joy, warmth and a sense of belonging. My home before I introduced it to my indoor plants was just as dear to me and just as beautiful as it is now, but bringing in some plants highlighted some areas in my home.

Flowers (Part 2)

There are so much variety when it comes to flowers that bloom on the surface of this planet that I am awestruck at the abundance and uniqueness of it! Now, being in a tropical region, I have come across a lot of perennials and annuals that bloom around here indigenously or otherwise. For me, IContinue reading “Flowers (Part 2)”


Just like plants, these flowers have their own personality! Happy ones, melancholic ones, the blues, the whimsical, sun-lovers and nocturnal, the bold ones and the shy.


Ever wondered what is perlite? How it is used? Is it really necessary? Well, I heard you, and here’s everything that you need to know about perlite.


The word “season” probably was inspired by the vastness and expected mysteries that accompany the huge matter that is the sea. For, a season is nothing but recurring time. And seasons are nothing but yesterday’s steps of nature, no? The same seasons that make our surrounding lush green go to browns and yellows and backContinue reading “Seasons”

Gardening and Minimalism

One of the biggest drawbacks in current times is that when we say Minimalism nobody looks beyond decluttering.. Minimalism is lot more than decluttering or the number of items you own.. To begin with, Minimalism is understanding that we need very little to survive and everything beyond that is a “choice” which you have toContinue reading “Gardening and Minimalism”


There are different types of ideas that pop up in our minds when we think of “Summer”. Those who live in the western or northern countries where it snows, summer is a welcome change from all the snow and means time for daisies, lilies, petunias and peonies and lots of sunshine! In tropical countries likeContinue reading “Summer”

The Soil.. The Mud.. The Dirt.. The Earth!

When we think about gardening, one of the first things we think about are the flowers, foliage, or perhaps the plant has a unique looking feature. The one thing we don’t think about but is perhaps one of the most important things, is the soil. You all know what soil is… It is the skinContinue reading “The Soil.. The Mud.. The Dirt.. The Earth!”

The satisfaction of Gardening

Satisfaction is a feeling of content, of being happy and fulfilled. What better example do we have to know satisfaction than from the greens we have at home?? The efforts you put in, all the planning that you do, some of which works well while some doesn’t… The patience while you see the slow andContinue reading “The satisfaction of Gardening”